Hooves to Freedom Staff
Hillary Cooler, Founder
As far back as I remember I had a fascination with horses. They were powerful creatures with a gentle spirit. It wasn’t until 1992 that I began taking lessons. I worked at the barn cleaning stalls and feeding in exchange for lessons on riding and horsemanship. A year went by and one day a boy rode a red roan horse with a flaxen mane and tail up the driveway of the farm where I was learning. He was a little thin, but a handsome horse with three white stockings on his legs and a wide blaze down his face. That was his name, Blaze, but he was also referred to as Houdini. The family who owned him didn’t have acreage for him to roam, but a neighborhood backyard. Blaze was constantly escaping wreaking havoc to the neighbors’ yards and gardens. He was also prone to chase children on bicycles. My parents asked me what I thought of him. He was pretty, and young at only 3 years old. They asked if I thought I could train him to run the barrel patterns as I had been helping train horses there at the barn for others. Then they added, “train him for yourself”. He was mine! Blaze was all mine! But training Blaze for barrel racing was far from the front of my list of things I wanted him to do. First, he had to trust me and I had to trust him. See, Blaze was a horse who was mistreated by a “trainer”. Because of that, he was a bit of a challenge to ride. He had a mentality of “I’ll hurt you before you can hurt me”. I sort of understood where he was coming from. Over several months of his bad behavior and my mom threatening to sell him, we had a breakthrough! Blaze and I were bonded and had a solid relationship built on trust with each other. God used a horse to help me learn to trust and see that He has a greater plan for me with what I had been through. Blaze and I grew up and did barrel race locally. We weren’t the fastest, but we had fun! I went to Bible college and received a degree in ministerial arts with a minor in music. But I still wanted to work with horses and broken, hurting people. From 2002-2010 I worked with several therapeutic riding centers, became a PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) registered instructor, and learned all I could about working with horses and those with special needs. But my heart was still desiring to work with trauma victims and horses. |
In 2010, I purchased 11 acres with a barn. The place needed a ton of work! But the Lord sent laborers and supplies to get the place safe and functional for me and my horses. (There’s a long story there that I’ll be happy to share if you ever ask me.)
I met a counselor an hour away and began learning about equine psychotherapy and working with licensed counselors.
In 2013 I founded Hooves to Freedom. I never imagined then how God would use me, a broken woman with so much healing still taking place, to minister to the hearts of those He would bring to HTF. He’s brought so much redemption in my life!
I remember telling my best friend, Sharon, that I wanted the name of the ministry to have the word “freedom” in it. Sharon was standing at her stove cooking dinner when she turned to me and said, “What about Hooves to Freedom?” I knew then that was our name!
Sharon and her family were there just about every step preparing the farm for ministry and carrying me at the times I felt I couldn’t do it. Sharon helped me through a very dark time in my life and believed in the woman God created in me when I didn’t. Sharon rarely missed a fundraiser, special event, and was always a phone call away if I needed her. On February 1, 2019, a call came that shattered my world. Sharon was gone. I seriously struggled with the thought of continuing with ministry. How could I? Grief was so heavy. I felt useless.
It’s been just over two years as I write this, and in these couple of years I’ve seen God moving more mountains to fulfill His will for HTF than ever! He’s opened doors to offer a new service here for the griever. Just as Scripture says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT. My grief journey has been tough, and at times, it still pulls me under. But as I walk each step, He guides me, sustains me, and He collects each tear. (Psalm 56:8)
Because of my own story and experience with a certain horse named Blaze, I have a passion to reach the lost and the hurting through horsemanship and Biblical teaching. I have seen with my own eyes what Paul writes in Ephesians 3- “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 NLT. I have certainly seen Him take an overgrown piece of land and make it a beautiful place of solace and peace in restoration. I’ve witnessed His handiwork in taking a shattered soul riddled with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and grief to something He calls a “masterpiece”. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT. His work in me is ongoing. It is an honor to be a front seat witness to His hand bringing restoration and redemption into the lives of those He brings to HTF whether they’re clients, helpers, family members, or even a random stranger curious to what we do here. May God’s will be done!
“To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.”
- Isaiah 61:3-4 NLT
I met a counselor an hour away and began learning about equine psychotherapy and working with licensed counselors.
In 2013 I founded Hooves to Freedom. I never imagined then how God would use me, a broken woman with so much healing still taking place, to minister to the hearts of those He would bring to HTF. He’s brought so much redemption in my life!
I remember telling my best friend, Sharon, that I wanted the name of the ministry to have the word “freedom” in it. Sharon was standing at her stove cooking dinner when she turned to me and said, “What about Hooves to Freedom?” I knew then that was our name!
Sharon and her family were there just about every step preparing the farm for ministry and carrying me at the times I felt I couldn’t do it. Sharon helped me through a very dark time in my life and believed in the woman God created in me when I didn’t. Sharon rarely missed a fundraiser, special event, and was always a phone call away if I needed her. On February 1, 2019, a call came that shattered my world. Sharon was gone. I seriously struggled with the thought of continuing with ministry. How could I? Grief was so heavy. I felt useless.
It’s been just over two years as I write this, and in these couple of years I’ve seen God moving more mountains to fulfill His will for HTF than ever! He’s opened doors to offer a new service here for the griever. Just as Scripture says, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28 NLT. My grief journey has been tough, and at times, it still pulls me under. But as I walk each step, He guides me, sustains me, and He collects each tear. (Psalm 56:8)
Because of my own story and experience with a certain horse named Blaze, I have a passion to reach the lost and the hurting through horsemanship and Biblical teaching. I have seen with my own eyes what Paul writes in Ephesians 3- “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 NLT. I have certainly seen Him take an overgrown piece of land and make it a beautiful place of solace and peace in restoration. I’ve witnessed His handiwork in taking a shattered soul riddled with anxiety, depression, PTSD, and grief to something He calls a “masterpiece”. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 NLT. His work in me is ongoing. It is an honor to be a front seat witness to His hand bringing restoration and redemption into the lives of those He brings to HTF whether they’re clients, helpers, family members, or even a random stranger curious to what we do here. May God’s will be done!
“To all who mourn in Israel, he will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. In their righteousness, they will be like great oaks that the Lord has planted for his own glory. They will rebuild the ancient ruins, repairing cities destroyed long ago. They will revive them, though they have been deserted for many generations.”
- Isaiah 61:3-4 NLT
Logan Lanier, LPC
I have been at Hooves to Freedom since 2015, working first as a volunteer, then intern, and now employee. In 2019, I completed a B.S in Psychology and a B.S in Equine Science from Judson College in Marion, Alabama. During my senior year at Judson, I became a PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) certified instructor. I completed my degree from Liberty University with a M.A. in Professional Counseling. Now I am a Licensed Professional Counselor employed with Cord of 3 Counseling in Blackshear, GA. Working in the field of equine-assisted therapy began as a way for a horse-crazy pre-teen to be around horses. I began volunteering weekly just looking to clean out stalls or brush a horse. That was how I started but it is not the whole reason why I stayed. I pursued equine-assisted therapy as a career because I saw how healing and change can come fromGod through His majestic creation. I witnessed this healing in my own life, and I saw it around me in the individuals I had the pleasure to minister to weekly. Every week I see individuals grow in skill, confidence, and hope. I work in equine-assisted therapy because I see God using me to serve His people and to grow my faith and relationship with Him. In my years of being around horses, I have had many wonderful equine partners and teachers. Each of them taught me valuable life lessons that caused me to grow as a person and an equestrian. However, if I were to say there is one that rises above the rest as the horse that really has shaped my life, it would have to be Solomon. Solomon came to live at Hooves to Freedom shortly after I made it my home, too. As I traveled back and to from school, Solomon became my favorite horse to work with and ride. He and I bonded as a team during those three years and after graduation he became my first horse. This does not seem like such a big deal, but to me, it was the fulfillment of my biggest life’s dream up until then. I saw God’s promises fulfilled, his careful consideration and timing to give me more than I had ever hoped for. Even in Solomon’s name, I see God using him to get my attention and draw me closer to Himself.Solomon’s name comes from the word, Shalom, meaning peace. I have numerous stories I could share where God has revealed his great peace to me through an event involving Solomon. He is a constant reminder that God and His promises are good, that peace can be found on the worst days, and that He is always trustworthy. This bond and my experiences of learning more about Christ is a big part of why I want to help others experience the same. In 2024, Zara, a bay mustang from Devil’s Garden, California, joined my little herd. She was born in 2023 and will be trained as a therapy horse when she gets old enough. Both Solomon and Zara represent spiritual markers of God’s amazing work in my life. |